
First Aid Training

First Aid Accident & Emergency


In a first aid scenario the cuts are of various types right from small one happens in the kitchen to the bigger one at an accident site or in a factory. The aim of first aid for cut is to minimize or control the bleeding. If the cut is smaller one and bleeding is not severe First aid is to simply wash the wound with sterile water apply an antibiotic ointment like povidine iodine cream or Neosporin cream and tie a bandage around the cut. This will not only stop the bleeding but also stop the infection to penetrate in the wound. But even after giving first aid you should visit nearby clinic or hospital for further evaluation. Do not rub vigorously as will lead to more bleeding from the wound.

Do not remove any embedded object from the wound as it will release the pressure from the arteries and venioles and will cause more bleeding. First aid is to apply a doughnut bandage. This type of bandage is typically used for embedded objects and open fracture. For severe cuts and wounds use the pressure immobilization technique. Pressure immobilization technique is the life saving technique in FIRST AID curriculum.


Use a thick gauze piece put it on a cut and wraps a bandage around it by giving extra pressure. Be careful so as not to strangulate the limb. Signs of strangulation are numbness, bluishness, loss of sensation in the affected part. If the bandage gets wet by blood put another one and do another bandage. Do not remove the earlier one. Elevation of injured part is important part of first aid this will slow down the blood flow and there will be less swelling. You can also use the pressure point to control the bleeding in Amputation. This is an important part of first aid curriculum.

Pressure points are located in arm pit of both hands and inguinal region of both legs. But these are used in rare condition.

Continue to monitor the wound for several days. If the injured area turns red or puffy, or if excessive pain persists, then it may've become infected and will require a physician's attention. Do not simply dismiss cuts as minor injuries as some may be quite serious if not tended to by a professional. If the wound is very deep or the bleeding is profuse, it may require stitches in order to heal properly.

To provide first aid for cuts and wounds:
  • Stop any bleeding by applying direct pressure to the wound using a clean cloth or bandage.
  • Clean the wound by gently flushing it with running water for at least 5 minutes.
  • Apply an antiseptic solution, such as hydrogen peroxide or iodine, to prevent infection.
  • Cover the wound with a sterile bandage or dressing to protect it from further damage.
  • If the wound is deep, painful, or shows signs of infection (such as redness, swelling, or pus), seek medical attention immediately.

Remember: Wash your hands before and after providing first aid to reduce the risk of infection.

Learn more about First Aid For Cuts and Wounds, and other Medical Emergencies, in online Classes run by a 24x7 Medical Service at Delhi First Aid and CPR Training institute New Delhi. Sign up for a class online at Delhi First Aid and CPR Training Institute.

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